Finding a storage solution can be a challenge at the best of times, particularly during a child's pre-school years when our mini Picasso’s are coming home with oodles of wonderful artwork.
Pictures, paintings, arts and crafts and self portraits just to name a few…often as parents we are torn between Keeping or Throwing Out, so what do we do?
Creating a more appealing and easy option to preserve my children's keepsakes became a project I was to more than happy to take on, after plenty of legwork (and lots of coffee) the project was up and running with the My Artworx art portfolio collection soon becoming a pleasing addition to the family.
Along with the art portfolios came the online store which covers just a snippet of the current, fabulous range of products available for young children. I feel the products I offer will provide families with an element of creativity as well as educational value and most importantly quality.
We love to stock wooden and educational toys, puzzles, sensory play tools and pretend play kits along with colourful craft supplies.
I hope you enjoy browsing the website and maybe even find a use in your home for an art portfolio or two. In particular I do hope in years to come when we look back at all the clever and sometimes very funny pictures that have been stored away, we say "How Wonderful", after all...it's what’s on the inside that counts!
Maureen :-)