Art Portfolios
Art portfolios are a great solution to storing and organising children's art
Colourfully presented and with ample storage space, our art portfolios are a great way to sort and organise children's artwork, craft projects and keepsakes.

Simply place your artwork in the art portfolio case by using the easy lock side tabs to open and close. The front clip closure will also keep your artwork safe and secure when storing away.

Made from durable and reliable polypropylene - PP, our children's art portfolios are robust yet lightweight with a sturdy top handle to ensure easy transport.
The My Artworx range of art portfolios come in a variety of sizes and beautifully screen printed designs - ensuring colours are vibrant and lasting. The memories of early art are preserved in an easy and practical way when using an art portfolio.
The benefits of creating and making for children are plentiful;
Through their art, children communicate their thoughts, emotions, and experiences, fostering self-expression and personal growth.
Encouraging exploration, curiosity and imagination, whilst promoting cognitive development, it serves as a powerful tool in the growth of their personal, emotional and physical development.
Mastering the skills to complete an art project is a great way for children to gain confidence in their abilities. Furthermore, children's art is often refreshingly original, inspiring joy and wonder in those who observe it. How wonderful to have a keepsake of our children's artwork to enjoy in years to come.
Dr Gai Lindsay -Â Lecturer in Early Childhood Education at the University of Wollongong's School of Education, was quoted as saying;
"The benefits of the visual arts are lifelong. Visual art does not have boundaries. It enables people to play with materials, to express their thinking, to problem solve and make sense of emotions"
Please feel free to read the full story by India Clyde on 'How art helps children to thrive'Â
 Visit our online SHOP to view the full range of art portfolios.